Saturday, April 11, 2009

I heart Charlie Jane Anders

If you're at all interested in science fiction and you don't read io9, you should. It mostly covers SF media, with the occasional book review thrown in like bacon salt for spice.

One of the best reasons to read it, however, is to catch the gems Charlie Jane Anders sprinkles liberally throughout her contributions. Consider this beauty from her review today of Dragonball Evolution:

There are balls of lint smarter than Dragonball Evolution....
or this one

If you're going to see one mindless Joseph Campbell wank-chalice of a film about the Hero's Journey this month, you could do a lot worse than Dragonball.
I love the term wank-chalice. (Of course, I do own several; what self-respecting male doesn't?)

Go scrub your eyes now. I'll wait.

What really makes me like Anders, however, is that despite the lines I showed you, she enjoyed this movie. I've never met her, but if we're ever at the same con and she wants to duck out for a matinee of a particularly bad-looking flick, I'm there.

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