Thursday, July 31, 2008

Why aren't you at convention X?

I get this question sometimes, where X is, of course, the name of some SF con, typically one near the questioner. The answer is in two parts:

* Going would cost me money.

* Going would cost me time.

The first part is actually the easier one to handle, because if I really want to go to a con, I pay my way. (Having someone else pay when you're a GoH, though, is definitely cooler and cheaper, as I learned courtesy of the lovely folks at Balticon.)

The second is the real challenge. I have a demanding job, a family, an extended family, and, oh yeah, books to write. Keeping up with the job and the writing on the road is exhausting, and I can do only phone time with people.

So, if you want me at a con, please feel free to let me know, but also please recognize that I'll be balancing attending against those two concerns.

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