Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm back

and without any incident, unless you count the guy in the seat in front of me who was so big that the seat leaned backward even though he hadn't pressed the lean button. It simply couldn't hold his weight. (No, the seat wasn't broken; it righted itself and locked when he wasn't in it. It just couldn't hold him.) Fortunately, the next row back was empty, so I was able to escape the guy's slowly tilting mass.

Raleigh was cold when we landed, but Boston was colder, so it felt like coming home to warmth. Good deal.

Obama got busy today, and that's excellent news. I hope he continues to push forward to realize his campaign promises. I'd love for my current belief in him to end up being justified.

My personal situation is akin to being snowed in, but with the mass being not snow but rather unpacking, several feet of snail mail, and a ton of email, plus a book on which I'm still hammering out concepts. Much to do, so to it I go.

Here's hoping a year from now I'm still optimistic about Obama.

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