Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's Love Actually time again

Tonight, we watched this movie, as we do each year at Christmas time, and once again, I loved it. The relentless optimism is infectious and touching. At several moments during the film I am not (too) embarrassed to admit that I tear up and that my heart pounds so hard in my chest I can barely stand it.

I know there are bad people in the world, and more importantly, I know that even good people often do bad things for reasons they deem to be good. I firmly believe, however, that most of the time on most days most people are just trying to live their lives as best they can, to care for those they love, to do their jobs well, to be decent to others, to love and be loved. Love Actually celebrates the power of love in a form that is so clearly and unabashedly a fantasy that I cannot help but cheer for it over and over. As I did last year, I recommend it highly.


Unknown said...

I loved that movie. The acting was first rate and the music utterly enchanting. And yes, it's definitely a see-again film.

Michelle said...

Seeing how everyone in the end gets what they want, well, almost, lets you believe for a small measure of time, that there just might be a happily ever after...Sometimes it is important to believe that. Thanks for the reminder.


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