Monday, December 31, 2007

And the rain came

It rained all day today, sometimes only a drizzle but at other times a thunderstorm, and it was glorious. Our area desperately needs rain, so that alone was enough to make the day good. I also simply enjoy rainy days, particularly when, as today, I can sleep late. Snuggling under the covers on a dark day with drops plunking against the skylights is a great treat.

The thunder has also prompted hopes--in some, such as Sarah, but not in me--of snow sometime in the next seven to ten days, per the old folk wisdom. I don't see that happening, but I'd certainly enjoy the snow if it came, so in this case I'd prefer they were right and I was wrong.

Now, if we could have a day this rainy twice a week for the next few months, we might actually get out of our drought....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And, the snow came, athough only briefly, way too briefly. I hope Sarah got a chance to see it. Keeps hope alive for more snow.


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