Sunday, October 10, 2010

Martin, my brother, and John Lennon

Today is my brother's birthday. He lives in Florida, so I never get to celebrate it with him. I didn't get to talk with him, which also sucks, but I hope I do tomorrow. He is a good man. If he walked by you and saw you were having trouble, he would stop and help. I love him, something I don't say enough to my family members, and I'm proud to have him as my brother.

Yesterday was John Lennon's birthday. If you haven't already done so, go watch the "Imagine" video. Is it hokey? Sure. It's also strong and true and right, and we should all always be imagining and working toward peace.

Thinking of Martin and John Lennon, I know that Martin would always stand by me, and so, though I've put it in the blog before, I have to close with this Lennon cover of this classic song, which I love.

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