Monday, September 21, 2009

On the road again: San Francisco, day 4

At lunchtime today, I took a brief and brisk walk to clear my head. In the course of only fifteen minutes I saw a man begging for the last $0.99 of ransom money he needed to save his kidnapped wife, a woman lighting and then smoking a joint while sitting on steps maybe fifteen feet back from Mission Street, the drivers of two pick-up trucks screaming angrily at a bicyclist and then coming perilously close to smashing him between their vehicles, and many more interesting sights. San Francisco mid-day life is vastly more interesting than what goes on in my company's office park back home.

Dinner was at a perennial favorite, Max's on the Square. As usual, I had the utterly unhealthy and completely delicious patty melt. Though not quite up to the level of past patty melts I've consumed there, it was still better than any patty melt I've had anywhere else.

One of our group ordered Max's self-styled "gigantic" eclair for dessert, and the pastry that arrived was indeed huge, the biggest eclair I've ever seen. Half of it went home with my colleague in a plastic container; I was impressed that he could eat that much of it.

Children No More calls to me, and work starts early in the morning, so off to write I go.

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