Friday, August 7, 2009

On the road again: Worldcon, Montreal, day 3

Snapshots from a con day:

Awoke after four hours of sleep and not feeling particularly refreshed.

Found out the work conference call for which I'd awakened was not to be, then meant to rest a bit but instead worked.

Did another work conference call and some more work.

Showered and headed to lunch with Jennie and Jim Minz, friend and Baen editor. The three of us consumed major quantities of Basque tapas at Pinxto, where the worst dish was good and most were damn good.

Rushed to the con to watch a ninety-minute panel on cover design with Jennie, John Picacio, Lou Anders, and several others holding forth. It was all interesting and never boring, quite a commendation for a panel of any sort.

Checked the art show, bid on a few cool pieces, and had several spontaneous conversations with old friends.

Worked. A lot. Most was work work, but some was preparing for the writers' workshop I'm doing tomorrow with Elizabeth Bear as part of the con-long workshop.

Dinner at Toque, where we opted for the tasting menu. After the first three courses, I was willing to believe I had encountered a world-class chef team. From that point on, however, the meal slid from fabulous to good. Still, quite a lovely dinner.

Worked. A lot. Really.

Party crawled for half an hour just to get out of the room. Spent a bit of time chatting with the folks bidding for the NASFIC in Raleigh next year. They seemed nice, and I hope they get it.

Worked. Still working.

I hope tomorrow contains less work and more con.

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