Thursday, March 19, 2009

Parceling it out for a reason

Over the last couple of years, multiple readers have accused me of intentionally frustrating them by giving only bits of Jon's background and the secrets of my future universe (e.g., how did the jump gates come to be?) in each book.

They're right that my approach is intentional, i.e., each book is doing what I meant it to do and what it should.

I am not, however, doling out information in teaspoons simply to be mean.

Rather, I'm doing it because each book's story rules supreme in that book, and the only secrets that book touches are those that arise naturally in the course of the plot.

So, for example, in Overthrowing Heaven (yes, I know you haven't read it yet, but I won't spoil it here; everything I'm about to say is on the Amazon promo bit for it) I reveal a lot about how Lobo came to be what he is. I do so because that information flows naturally from the story and enriches the story.

The secrets--political and physical--of my future universe come even slower, but that's because I'm writing from Jon's perspective and so readers can learn only those things he learns (or already knows).

Assuming the books keep selling and Toni keeps buying them--both of which I hope prove to be valid assumptions, but both of which are far from certain--then over about twelve to fifteen books I will be able to answer all the questions that are plaguing attentive readers today.

Of course, some new questions and mysteries will arise.

Don't blame me; the universe is like that.

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