Tuesday, August 12, 2008

On the road again: Denvention, day 7 - travel and home

Today passed in a blur of work, travel, work, and travel. I reached home after 11:00 p.m., which was not much later than I'd expected. So, I really have nothing to complain about.

Days like this are usually boring, but every now and again they grant you a fun story. Mine came today in the men's restroom at RDU, our local airport. I was minding my business (and doing it) at an end urinal when a very tall, thin, blond man walked in and stood at the urinal to the immediate right of mine. That in itself was odd, because we were the only two men there, and standard male restroom etiquette is to take every other urinal. Little did I realize that the truly odd part was yet to come.

The man glanced down at me, then looked ahead and said in a loud, clear voice, "I don't know how to handle that."

I have to tell you, that's not what you want to hear in a restroom from another man. (Okay, if you favor men, maybe you want to hear that, but that's not my preference.)

I did the only thing one could reasonably do: stared straight ahead and tried to finish my business faster.

The man then said, "Really, I don't know what to do with that."

At that point, I finished, zipped, and noticed as I was leaving, as you have probably already surmised, that he was wearing a cell-phone earpiece on his right ear, the one I could not see.

Normally, I'd not be one to criticize about this practice; I've been known to talk on a mobile phone in the bathroom when alone. I have to say, however, that this goes too far. Mobile phone etiquette should include not talking in such situations, or at the very least choosing your words more carefully.

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