Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I hope those weren't real

I seem to have more odd experiences in public restrooms than most people. (No, we're not talking U.S. Senator kind of experiences; put your filthy mind on hold.)

For example, on the way to Denver I had to change flights in O'Hare. I went in to use the bathroom. I was standing at the urinal, minding my own business, when a man carrying two red metal briefcases rushed into the room. His need was clearly urgent, and he was making so much noise clanging the briefcases together, that I couldn't help but see what was up. Despite his urgency, he took the time to position the briefcases between his legs: leg, briefcase, briefcase, leg. He than began to do his business.

If you're not a guy, or if you haven't recently used a urinal when you really, really had to go, you might not think immediately of the backsplash problem. This particular man, as I said, really, really had to go, so he almost continuously splashed back onto the briefcases he had carefully positioned on the floor between his legs.

When he finished, he picked up the damp briefcases, noticed they were wet, and shook and turned them.

I then saw that each was labeled as a carrying case for human organ transplants.

I sincerely hope this was a sick joke. It certainly made me both laugh and hope the seals on those cases were tight.

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