Friday, March 28, 2008

30 Days of Night

We watched this vampire flick tonight, and it was okay but no more. The setup was promising, and the portrayal of the vampires was at least a bit more ghoulish than normal, but it ultimately failed to deliver the suspense I'd like from such a film. If you're a die-hard vampire fan (or, I suppose, a hardcore Josh Hartnett fan, though I wouldn't admit that in public were I you), then check out this DVD. Otherwise, give it a pass.

In completely unrelated news, my iPhone, which is now my full-time and only mobile phone, has earned both my love and my hate. It garnered my love with its interface, form factor, display, email abilities, and many other great traits. It's evoked my wrath by having crappy signal in one very important location: my home office.

AT&T, if you're listening, put a cell tower closer to my house!

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