Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm on a plane

By the time this post appears, I'll be on a plane heading to London Heathrow and, eventually, to Brighton for World Fantasy Con 2013.  I'll also be moving to London for a few days after the con to, I hope, stare at some great art, eat a great meal, sign some books (stock only; I'm really nowhere near enough of a draw to warrant a live signing) at Forbidden Planet, and see a pair of plays I hope are great.

Today has been a blur of work and rushing to the airport, so I have little to say about it.

I didn't comment on Lou Reed's death two days ago largely because I didn't feel I'd have much to add to all that others would say about him.  I can, though, add this personal note:  His music, particularly his lyrics, opened a lot of young minds, including mine, to a great many notions they had not previously considered.  I will miss him--though I never knew him--for this, for his influence, and most of all for the music himself.  Though thousands of people are highlighting the same tune, I'll put it here because Toni and I named an anthology after it.  Enjoy, and think of Lou Reed and all he gave us.

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