Monday, July 26, 2010

One week from tomorrow

Children No More will officially go on sale. I'm not mentioning this date so I can make more money; I'm telling you so we can raise more money to help rehabilitate and reintegrate child soldiers. If you're not aware of the connection between the two, the short form is that I am donating 100% of the money I receive from sales of the hardback edition of this novel to Falling Whistles to help with this cause. (The long form of the story is in this post.)

A press release will go out soon, and the placeholder Web site will soon contain much more information than it now does. Multiple people are now working hard to have a fair amount of supporting material ready for launch day.

If you'd like to help, you can. You really can.

One way is easy: Buy the book. You'll enjoy a good read, and in the process you will have done a good deed.

If you don't want to do that, send a few bucks to the Falling Whistles folks; you can donate online here.

You can also help by spreading the word. Tell your friends. Blog about it. Mention it to your local bookseller. Whatever works.

Here's the thing, folks: Momentum really counts. Like most books from all but the very top-selling authors, the hardback of Children No More will stay on bookstore shelves for only three or four weeks. Then, newer books will replace it. To motivate booksellers to keep the book on display, we have to sell a lot of them in those first few weeks.

Many worthy causes are vying for your time and attention, but this one is unusual, because contributing to it is as easy--and as fun--as buying a book. Let's help these kids.


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