Saturday, July 24, 2010

Beach BBQ and sunset

Today, we return home from the beach, so I thought I'd end the entries from this trip with two sets of images that made me happy.

One group involves a barbecue joint that appears only three days a week and operates out of a trailer. We first noticed it from this sign on the side of the road.

A smaller sign made stated that the restaurant operated only on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays--an odd schedule, even by beach standards. When we checked out the building next to the sign, we found only an empty building--but it wasn't one of those three days.

So on Wednesday, we returned and found this beauty.

You have to love a barbecue restaurant on wheels.

A conversation with the owners and a closer inspection of this cooker

revealed an awesome fact: they cook only with wood.

The man doing the cooking said he'd been doing it for thirty years and never used anything but wood. He clearly loved what he was doing. Check out the words on the top of their menu:

Even though we had just eaten lunch, we bought a couple of delicious pounds of pork 'que to go.

The other set of pictures are from the house as we were returning from dinner the other night. The sunset was lovely.

So was the view of the ocean from the balcony. Note the cone standing guard over the house.

I already can't wait to go back next summer.


Anonymous said...

I know you probably want to keep the location a secret but where is the place? Just general area. Seems like you had a great time but now back to the grind on Monday. It sucks I know. All the best. Chris.....

Mark said...

A North Carolina coastal beach near South Carolina. Thanks for the kind wishes; I do wish vacation could go on for months.

Anonymous said...

Why can't it? Your the boss.....haha....good luck with that.....Chris...

Mark said...

Business realities intrude, I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Then again, I guess you've been away for 2 weeks so you need to get back. Safe travels my friend....Chris...

Mark said...

Thanks, Chris.

Todd said...

Ok...evil ice cream cone. What the heck...

Mark said...

It's not so much evil as misunderstood.

Todd said...

I proceeded to read further. I love the story!

Mark said...

Thanks, Todd. There (usually) is a method to my madness.


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