Friday, May 28, 2010

Want a shirt from either spoken-word show?

And would you like to help buy books for kids?

If so, you've come to the right place.

We're selling the limited-edition shirts for the Saturday night premiere of Wake Up Horny, Wake Up Angry, and I'm donating all the profits to Balticon's charity, buying books for kids in the Buck Lodge Middle School.

As you can see from this picture of the shirt's back, you can be the proud owner of a mostly black fashion item that is sure to offend almost everyone who sees it. (Those it doesn't offend are likely to want to own one; send them to me.) Isn't the design even better in close-up?

The front boasts a smaller and somewhat different logo, but it is still bitchin', as you can see here in both the full-shirt and close-up photos.

Now, you may be thinking, "Wait, didn't he do a show and a shirt last year?" Why, yes I did. It was the Science Magic Sex show, and we still have a small quantity of those shirts available. These four photos show you the back and front of the shirt, and as you can clearly see, it is made of awesome.

Either of these beauties can be yours for the tiny sum of $15. I keep only what the shirt cost me, and I donate the rest to the charity.

If you'd like to order, email me via the form on the Contact page, and I'll get back to you in email to work it out.

Odds are you'll be the only one on your block to own one!

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