Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Want to learn a little about gaming and me?

Then head on over to Randolph Carter's blog, Grinding to Valhalla, where he just posted a short interview with me. I enjoyed (electronically) chatting with him and applaud the work he's put into learning about gaming and gamers.

Like most people over thirty, I suck at gaming compared to millions and millions of casual gamer teenagers, to say nothing of the serious gamers. Among the many people who are way better than I am at any game I play are Sarah and Scott. Kyle, who is over thirty, is also way, way better than I am at games in general and at Halo 3 in particular, Halo 3 being the game we four play together most often, so I can't hide entirely behind age. All that said, and even though I lose far more often than I win, I greatly enjoy some first-person shooters.

I leave tomorrow morning early (at least, it'll be early for me) for Balticon, so I'm going to keep this brief. By the time of my next post, I hope to be safely in Baltimore, have eaten a great dinner, met Ticia, watched Terminator: Salvation, and be settled into a typical con hotel room. Lucky me!

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