Thursday, July 10, 2008

Burn Notice returns

We gathered in front of the TV in the primitive way: watching a show as it was broadcast, no DVR, nothing other than the Mute button to protect us from the commercials. The first episode of the second season of Burn Notice was what compelled us to face this ordeal. Many of us here at the beach loved the first season, and we were greatly looking forward to the second.

After watching tonight's show, I'm afraid I'm still going to have to reserve judgment. The episode was good, way better than most shows. The dialog was snappy, the tradecraft solid, and the returning characters all in fine form. Despite all that, to me this first installment felt a bit forced and also lacked the spark that set the previous season apart from its competition. Having said that, I'm looking forward to the next show, because I think some of what I felt was due to the fact that this show had to serve as a bridge from the past season to the setup of the new one.

So, with those reservations I recommend catching this episode in a later airing this week if you missed it tonight, and I'm hoping for improvement as the season wears on.

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