Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rush Hour 3

Okay, we went. Sarah was sleeping over at a friend's house, I'm up for any movie, Scott was also interested in it, and so I thought, hey, how bad can it be? It's bound to have some good stuff, right?

To answer the first question: pretty darn bad. I started dozing out from boredom during a fight scene. Tucker appeared embarrassed, and Chan looked downright tired. They lacked the chemistry that made the first one fun and the second occasionally enjoyable. They telegraphed the bad guy more obviously and earlier than most bad movies, and the brother theme played out limp and tired.

To answer the second question: precious little. A few comic moments, the odd stunt, but not even many of those.

If I were a paid reviewer with a column to fill on this one movie, I'd probably start with the rush jokes, critique the bad effects, delve into the offensive cultural stereotypes, and so on. Because I'm not, I'll reduce it to this:

Stay home from this one, and don't bother with it on DVD, either.

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