Changes coming to this blog
In about a week, I'm going to announce the culmination of a project I consider significant. (No, it's not the next Jon and Lobo book.) I'll write several blog entries about it.
Starting tomorrow, however, I'm going to stop blogging daily and blog only when I have something I want to share, feel is important, or motivates me for whatever reason to write. I don't know how often I will blog, but it definitely wont be every day.
What I will be doing is focusing a lot more energy on finishing the sixth Jon and Lobo book. That novel, All the Worlds Against Us, is still a long way--definitely months--away, but I've gone entirely too long without finishing it. It's past time I do that.
Looking forward to #6. I lost my paperback copies of the previous five in a move snafu, so just purchased all of them again in Kindle format from Amazon to re-read.
Thanks, Hank. I appreciate the support. I will deliver this book, though it will take months.
At least you're changing the blog post frequency for a good cause...
Can you really kick the blogging habit though ?
I'll blog movie reviews and when I have announcements and so on, so I doubt there'll be many weeks without blog entries. I'm just going to make the novel writing a primary focus and blog only when time permits after other writing.
"Months" is not long! "Months" is light at the end of the tunnel! (... a tunnel which is notably shorter than Rothfuss's BTW). I keep posting re: J&L over on Sanderson's 17th Shard forum - actually just mentioned last week my hope for book 6, and behold! here you are making it reality! The characters and story are just too good to leave them hanging - Jenny!!
I don't yet know how many months, so it could be a lot, but I will finish.
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