Friday, August 11, 2017

Helsinki reportage will come tomorrow; today, watch this video

Seriously.  You should watch it.  It's about the sabbatical charity work of a colleague and friend, Elizabeth.  Please, take less than three minutes, and give it a look.

I reviewed this video multiple times in the course of its production, and it--particularly its ending--still chokes me up.

I'm incredibly proud to get to work with Elizabeth and all the other great people at PT, and I'm especially proud of the charity work they have done on their sabbaticals.

Truly, nobody really wins unless we all win.


sonyaotto said...

One of the things I love the most about your blog is getting the updates about the variety of sabbaticals people take. As an academic, I get a sabbatical every 7 years, and we are trying to get our university to allow volunteer work to count for part of our time away. I have been showing these videos to colleagues and they are powerful tools for change. Thank you for sharing!

Mark said...

Very cool! I will hope you can persuade your university. If it would help for folks there to talk to me about this, just drop me a line, and we can try to set that up.


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