Thursday, September 15, 2016

The first Kickstarter I've plugged here

I've participated in a number of Kickstarter campaigns, and I've always been happy with the results.  I've never, though, openly plugged one in this blog.

Until now.

I think everyone who loves illustration or who still has a child inside should consider supporting Omar Rayyan's Goblin Market art book Kickstarter.  Go ahead and follow that link.  I'll wait.

Now that you're back, let me explain why you should jump on this book:

  • It's beautiful.  You've seen that.
  • Rayyan is a great guy.  I own several of his originals, and I've gotten to talk with him on a few occasions.  He's always been intense, fun, funny, and genuinely nice.  
  • Rayyan's work deserves a huge audience.  If you've followed the link, you probably already know that.  (For more examples, go to his site.)
  • The book is from a Christina Rossetti poem!  
I could go on, but you get the point:  this is a book you should own, a campaign you should back.



Dave Drale said...

Dear Mark,

The art is lushly beautiful but not to my taste. I thought of getting a copy for Tristan but decided not. I wasn't sure how he'd take it.

What I found interesting is that the demons/goblins seem to be expansions of the woodcuts of the 1893 edition, which I learned on checking were by Laurence Housman, a brother of AE (and of Clemence). (They're initialled LH rather than being signed on the book itself.) The girls are quite different from those of Housman's conception.

Quite interesting.

Mark said...

Thanks for the info on the demons/goblins. I do like Rayyan's work, obviously.


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