Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What I was doing in Florida this past weekend

Forty years ago, I graduated from St. Petersburg High School (SPHS) in St. Petersburg, Florida.  (Yup, I'm old.)  This past weekend, I flew to Tampa to be the guest speaker at SPHS' Baccalaureate ceremony on Sunday. 

Part of what motivated me to do this is that forty years ago, I became, to the best of my knowledge, the first SPHS valedictorian the school refused to allow to speak at graduation.  I did mention this fact in my speech.  Yes, there's a story there, and I tell it in short form in the speech.

As I was leaving the podium after my speech Sunday, my foot caught on the edge of a step, and I fell forward down several (fortunately) carpeted steps.  I wasn't hurt, though of course I was embarrassed.  As I said to the students when I bounded up--I really wasn't hurt, though later I've been a tad sore where I took the impact, "I wish I'd meant that."

Yes, there is video. 

No, I haven't decided if I'll show it to you.

The reason is that I rate my speech and performance B-, so I was disappointed in myself.  (Family and friends watching rated it generally A-, but I think they were being too kind.)

I'll ponder the video. 

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