Thursday, January 5, 2012

My 2012 awards self-pimpage post

Like many science fiction and fantasy writers, I'm aware that the awards nominating season is upon us. John Scalzi has helped popularize a new tradition of writing a simple self-pimpage post in which you list your eligible works for the year. He's even been gracious enough to host a post and comment thread in which others can pimp their stuff. Though I still feel rather awkward doing so, I posted there, and I'm also putting the information here.

For those who don't follow these things, the Hugo awards, the fan-voted accolades that are a centerpiece of each year's World SF convention, are now open for nomination. (For more information on this year's Hugos, see this page. To learn more about Chicon 7, the 2012 WorldCon, go here.)

My only eligible work from 2011 was a novelette:

The Long Dark Night of Diego Chan

It appeared in the anthology (which I edited), The Wild Side. I rather like the story, and all the reviews I've seen of it have been positive, for whatever that's worth. I definitely hope one day to write a few novels about Diego.

As I've noted before, it doesn't take a ton of nominations to make the Hugo ballot. In the novelette category, probably well under a hundred would do it. So, if you like this story--or any other--consider buying an attending or supporting membership to the con and nominating it. The more people who participate in the process, the better.

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