Thursday, May 12, 2011

What's been happening with my blog

Quite a few folks have written me this week to express their concern because of the odd things that have been happening with my blog. I wanted to let everyone know that I'm fine and to explain what's been going on.

Monday, no blog entry appeared. The culprit here was me: I just forgot to publish an entry I'd written. To remove the goof from the pages of history, I set that piece's date to Monday when I published it. It's handy to be able to control time!

Then, the weirdness started. Tuesday night, I ran into a Blogger maintenance period. Eventually, though, I was able to publish the entry I had written. Wednesday night, the same thing happened, and again I was finally able to get an entry to appear.

Thursday, Blogger went to hell. My Wednesday installment disappeared. Blogger was unavailable for many hours, and when it let me back into my blog this afternoon, I still couldn't change entries. You can read more about the outages all over the place, including here.

As best I can tell, this problem is now behind us. It certainly has me thinking, however, about moving to another platform. We'll see.

Meanwhile, you're getting this entry, which I started Thursday night, for that day. Friday's will follow almost immediately.

I think you'll like it.

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