Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lovely synchronicity

Sarah had a piano recital tonight at the Fourth Friday event at the lovely little theater space at Ruggero's Piano store. I sat and watched and listened in awe as she played wonderfully. I'm always proud and amazed at the musical talent Sarah and Scott have.

My friend, Eric, hosts this event. About fourteen months ago I wrote about a previous Fourth Friday recital of Sarah's there and about my admiration for all who produce art. Tonight, I experienced a moment of lovely synchronicity when Eric sang a dark song, "Confessions of a Vampire," from the failed Broadway show, Dance of the Vampires. Eric really put himself into the song and delivered a powerful, moving, first-rate performance. I was both pleased to have gotten to hear it and very proud of him.

What was particularly great for me is that some of the mood of the song dovetails perfectly with some of what I'm writing right now. I was able to enjoy that moment when another's art touches what your heart is processing at just the right time; a wonderful treat.

We can never fully know the heart of another, but art can transport our hearts to very nearly the same place for minutes at a time, and in those minutes we can truly see our shared humanity.


Anonymous said...

Watching Sarah mature as a performer has given me a lot of pleasure over the years. It's always a pleasure to hear her play. She did well last night.

Thank you for your kind words about my performance. I really appreciate them.

If what you working on matches the mood of that song - Wow. Welcome to Hell Jon.


Mark said...

Jon is indeed in a rough section right now.

I watched the Youtube video of the original performer of the song, and I honestly think you did a better job with it than he did.


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