Thursday, June 12, 2008

The word of the day is pain

Back pain, to be precise. It's back, worse than ever, despite (or maybe because of) a chiropractor visit today. I had a ton of work I had to do, so I spent many hours in my work office chair, which though good for my productivity only worsened the pain.

I made the mistake once of stretching out on the floor, knees up to relieve back pressure, and enjoying five minutes with almost no pain. When my self-imposed deadline came, I could not get up. I had to turn on my side, crawl to the desk, and pull myself up. This process involved much grunting and suppressed (not entirely successfully) screaming. Fortunately, my office is at an end of the lab without a lot of people nearby today. Unfortunately, I disturbed Gina and probably a few other folks.

Life since then has basically alternated between really bad pain and pain so harsh I can't help but make noises. I'm almost done working, though, so with luck in an hour or two I will be on my back for six or seven hours, hoping my back mends enough that I can be more functional tomorrow.

I hate being weak or slow. I just hate it.


Lisa Shearin said...

Sometimes a visit to the chiropractor would just make my back worse. Of course, sometimes an adjustment did the trick. Take care of yourself! Hopefully it's already starting to feel better.


Mark said...

Thanks for the kind wishes. As you'll see in today's post, it's been an annoyingly long journey back, and I'm not there yet, but I am mending.


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