Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lights in the night

While driving home after tonight's movie (War, with Jet Li and Jason Statham, pleasant and action-filled enough but too many bullets, not enough fu, and not as good as either of their best solo films), I was approaching a church school's soccer field cum playground. I drive by this field a great deal, and late at night it's always the same: empty.

Tonight, however, glowing lights flickered and bounced and swirled around the field in a magical dance. I slowed my car, opened my window, and, because I was alone on the road, looked closely at the field. A flock of kids were running, laughing, and waving glow sticks. Sometimes when you learn how a bit of magic works, the magic fades, but not this time; seeing and hearing kids providing the night lights only made it better for me.

I really wanted to pull over and join them, but I knew that a grown man approaching a bunch of kids late at night would at best alarm them and at worst lead someone to call the cops on me.

Sometimes it sucks to be a grown-up, but at least I got to see the dancing of the lights.

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