Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Rock, paper, scissors

Why is this game so much fun? My daughter and I play it almost every night, usually at very high speed, and we've yet to tire of it. Maybe it's the people-reading aspect, maybe the silliness, but something about it has helped it persist as both an amusement and a decision-making tool.

Of course, I like it because I routinely pwn Sarah at it.

She'd tell you otherwise.

Don't believe her.


Anonymous said...

Do you really want to go there?
I can start my own blog. A blog entirely devoted to my pwnage of you at rock paper scissors. Just remember that every win you get is a gracious gift from me. w0rd.

(alliteration in the last line? yes, yes, i think so.)

Anonymous said...

I should teach you guys to play kuma ken sometime. Then you can choose between domestic and imported pwnage.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you guys still haven't moved on to rock paper scissors spock lizard. All the cool geeks play rock paper scissors spock lizard. It's way next-gen. 66% more features than rock paper scissors!

Sarah said...

I went there.


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