Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you celebrate this holiday, I hope your day is good and you have the time to think a bit about all the people and things for which you are thankful.  If you want to be with family and/or friends, I hope you are, and if you want to be alone, I hope you are.  If you aren't in the company you wish, I hope it goes well.

I am thankful for all that I have, but most of all for the people in my life, both friends and family near to me, and those more distant, even those, like many readers of my book, whom I have not yet had the pleasure to meet.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Mark P said...

Hope you have a good one.

I've got to wait until the 25th December for my Celebration meal.

But I can look forward to the German Christmas market fare in 3 weeoks.

Mark said...

That sounds like fun. London is so beautiful this time of year.


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