Thursday, March 10, 2016

Exactly why they canceled my first flight

is not clear--the most consistent mumbling involved "equipment" (read: airplane) issues--but I got up this morning to learn that my day was not going to be what I expected.

When you travel as much as I do, this sort of annoying change happens from time to time, but it's still no fun.

I stayed up and worked from home while Gina worked her magic and booked our whole team on a new set of flights.

From that point on, the day has gone pretty much as it should.  I even enjoyed a Red Mango parfait in the Charlotte airport.

I'm writing this post from a plane, though, because by the time we land, collect our bags, acquire our rental van, drive to the hotel, check in, and finally make it to our rooms, it's going to be very late, and I'm going to crash.

Tomorrow, we begin the set-up work for our event, and we also will shoot some b-roll for the video we will eventually create about the event.

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