Thursday, November 19, 2009

On the road again: Portland, day 4

I never saw the sun today, something that my Portland friends and clients assure me is not a particularly unusual occurrence for residents. I don't mind gray skies, but having experienced a lot of them this week, I am ready to return home to sunshine. Still, I love this city and always enjoy visiting it.

Not seeing the sun wasn't a big issue in part because all the daylight hours went to work. Not much to say about that.

Dinner tonight was at Bamboo Sushi, easily the crunchiest sushi place I've ever visited. (To see why, just follow that link to its site.) Our dinner was good but not great, so the next time I'm in Portland and want raw fish, I'll probably try another place just to get a better sense of the local sushi scene. That said, if you live here and haven't tried it, give it a go, because you'll have at worst a decent meal and in the process support some good practices.

I have to get up at oh dark thirty to make the airport run, so I'm going to keep this short and hope to post tomorrow's entry from an Internet-connected plane.

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