Sunday, March 16, 2008

Overheard in Raleigh (and a correction)

Correction first: I made a most embarrassing typo yesterday and wrote "Patterson" rather than "Watterson" for the creator of Calvin and Hobbes. My apologies to the genius, Bill Watterson. I've fixed the error in the blog, but I still feel obliged to apologize.

Now to the main topic for today.

We were at dinner in a very upscale, long-established, extremely nice Raleigh restaurant. I'm a compulsive people watcher; others fascinate me. At a table near ours sat a couple somewhere in their thirties or forties; another couple joined them not long after they took their chairs. As we were eating, a few loud words caused me to tune into their table, where I picked up this conversational snippet. The speakers were the original man and woman at that other table.

He: So she's gotten us these two strippers.

She: They were hookers, dear, hookers dressed as strippers.

He: They were wearing stripper clothes.

She: Garters, g-strings, and tits-out bras.

He: And these tall shoes.

She (with a theatrical sigh): Stilettos.

He (now looking exasperated but continuing): They started doing these sort of dances.

She: They're called lap dances, dear. That's why they were playing with you.

At this point, the other couple leaned closer, the speakers lowered their voices, and the rest of the conversation was lost to me.

I enjoy our group's discussions, but I have to admit that rarely have I been party to one that was quite so unusual, particularly in a rather conservative restaurant.

I'm sorry I didn't get to hear the rest.

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