Saturday, September 15, 2007

Why I didn't blog while in Japan

The answer is easy, if multi-part: Google/blogspot was both too smart and too stupid, and I was too lazy.

Google/blogspot was smart enough to detect I was signing on from a Japanese IP address, and so it switched all my prompts to Kanji, which I can't read. Posting and reviewing and inserting URLs and all the rest while having no English text was a huge pain, as I learned the one time I did it.

Google/blogspot wasn't smart enough to give me an option to say, "This computer should always blog in English." Or, perhaps, I failed to find that magic setting; I doubt it, but it's possible.

I did find the setting to switch the language, but it was a pain to get to and didn't stick across sessions.

So, with touristing, many hours of PT work, and writing every day, I was busy enough that I blew off blogging.

Sorry about that. I hope you resume reading. I'll try not to let this happen again.

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