Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The third Jon and Lobo book

Driving back from Artsplosure yesterday, in the middle of a conversation, in a flash I remembered a Jon & Lobo idea I'd had in a shower and forgotten to record, and in the next flash I knew what the third Jon & Lobo novel would be. A few moments later, the title came to me. I rushed home and immediately wrote some notes in my favorite fiction notebook, and all was well.

This development may sound trivial, but to me it is anything but. Knowing the very rough shape of that book is a huge win, and I'm quite excited about it.

Of course, I haven't told my publisher yet; perhaps I'll wait to see if she ever reads this blog. Or perhaps that sentence will cost me. We'll have to see.

If by chance you are aware of the Jon & Lobo series to be, you may know that the first book, One Jump Ahead, isn't even due on the stands until sometime in June. If by some even rarer chance you know the second one, Slanted Jack, isn't to appear until June, 2008, you may wonder why I'm thinking about the third. To a degree, I share that curiosity. After all, I'm in the middle (not the exact middle, but well enough along) of writing Slanted Jack, so it dominates my fictional thinking. I guess the reason the third book was nibbling at the edges of my mind is that I had no clue what it would be. Knowing its nature allays my concerns quite nicely.

By the way, I started this post simply to note my excitement, but upon scanning it again I can see how one might view it as cheap marketing. I'd let that bother me more were it not that the whole site is in some ways cheap marketing. Whatever.

Can you tell I over-analyze?

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