Sunday, June 22, 2014

22 Jump Street

is not a good movie, but it is, most of the time, a very enjoyable bad movie.  The small group of us that went to see it the other night laughed for the majority of the film, though in some moments it was so bad we groaned.

In its best moments, the movie delivers good sight gags, bad jokes, and great self-deprecating bits from Channing Tatum, who is way better at comedy than many people give him credit for.  Jonah Hill plays himself, the only role I've ever seen him play, but Tatum stays to his character throughout. 

The movie is also chock full of self-referential jokes, and though sometimes they fall flat, most of them work quite well.  During the credits, which are worth sitting through, you see the next dozen or so possible sequels, each just amusing enough to justify its seconds on screen.

If you're in the mood for a lot of cheap laughs on a hot summer night (or afternoon, for this would make a great way to escape the heat), check out 22 Jump Street.  Just don't go in expecting more than it is.

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