Saturday, September 2, 2017

Wind River

is a beautiful, largely understated film that builds slowly and ultimately erupts in a way you're unlikely to see coming.  It's also visually and emotionally bleak, which makes sense when you know that its writer/director, Taylor Sheridan, is the writer of the screenplays for Sicario and Hell or High Water.

The setup is both simple and dark:  a barefoot young woman runs miles in the snow and ultimately dies there.  A local hunter and Fish and Wildlife staffer, played by Jeremy Renner, finds her.  An FBI agent, Elizabeth Olsen, comes to investigate.  The story unfolds slowly and shows the rough lives of the people on the reservation where this happened and the others who live in the area.

I don't want to go into more, because much of the film's beauty comes from its characters and their interactions.  If you're in the mood for a beautiful but bleak film, definitely check out Wind River.

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