Sunday, August 13, 2017

Gotta travel early, so here, have two pics of me in Helsinki

Yeah, tomorrow is a travel day.  I have to arise about 5:30 a.m., shower, and head to the airport for a flight to Edinburgh.  Despite the unpleasantly early departure hour, I'm quite looking forward to my first visit to Scotland.

Multiple correspondents have requested that I provide pics of myself in the places I visit, so despite my hatred of how I look in photos, I'm trying to oblige.

In one of today's adventures--more on today later, I hope--I spent time walking through and enjoying a park and the garden abutting it.  This bridge really charmed me.

Click an image to see a larger version.

I like the way the sun's glare transforms my normal "I will kill you now" resting gaze into the rather more interesting "I am somewhat sad to say that I will kill you now" look I'm giving here.

By contrast, in this photo at a stop at a nearby Pystygrill, I think my expression has graduated to an almost smiling "I will kill you after I enjoy a delicious burger" expression.

Quite the improvement, eh?

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