Friday, April 8, 2016

Delta Rae rocks the Lincoln

Earlier tonight, I went to see my favorite local band, Delta Rae, at the Lincoln Theatre.  I've loved their music since I first heard it, and I've always enjoyed their live shows, but on stage I've also found them a bit aloof.

Not tonight.

The band came out full of energy and passion, and they owned the audience before the first song was over.  They played for about 90 minutes and never lost a step.  It was by far the best performance of theirs I've attended and one of the top ten or twenty live shows I've ever seen.  I felt privileged to be there.

Click an image to see a larger version.

Their set mixed new songs, all of which were strong, hits from their two albums, and even a couple of covers.  I absolutely loved it.

I didn't have time to eat before the show, so dinner was a late affair at Beasley's just up the street.  I received there the silliest soda glass ever.

Tiny and overflowing with ice, this glass made sure I drank my Diet Coke very slowly indeed.

If you get a chance to see Delta Rae, take it.  If the show they put on is anything like the one I saw, you will have a splendid time.

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