Monday, January 19, 2015

On the road again: Grand Cayman, day 5

I finally rolled out of bed today after a very long and quite refreshing sleep.  Though my cough still occasionally appears, I have the sense that with enough nights like this one, I would heal completely.  I have only two more on the island, so I expect to return home with the cough still nagging me, but I am definitely gaining ground on it.

I read and ate lunch in a covered chair facing the ocean, a deliciously indulgent treat.  (As soon as you sit, servers find you and then deliver whatever you order.  For me, it was a burger with salad, both of which were yummy.)  Partway through lunch, a storm rolled over the island, sprinkling at first and then growing into a full-on pounding rain.  I decamped to my room, opened the sliding door so I could let in the ocean breeze and enjoy the storm, and read some more.  A nap followed that. 

Truly a sinfully selfish day.

The hotel includes an Italian restaurant, Andiamo, that makes perfectly decent Italian comfort food and that offers the perk of a nice gelato selection.  Eating there, staring at a canal and enjoying the evening breeze, was another treat.

I will be back at work and at full speed all too soon, but for now I am enjoying incredibly the luxury of doing very little. 

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