Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Heartbreaking yet hopeful

Pam turned me on to this special report on former child soldiers trying to integrate into the civilian world.  The text is good; the photos are better, particularly the black-and-white ones.  It's a hard read--anything on this topic inevitably is--but it's a worthwhile read, and though parts will break your heart, in the end it is as filled with hope as these young people.

I recommend it highly.


Rosanne said...

There is a lot happening in the world that breaks people's hearts. I hope for the best for these young folks and all who deal w/ difficulties such as this. Thank you for your informative post.

Mark said...

You're welcome. I've donated all the money I've ever made from Children No More to Falling Whistles to help children in the Congo who were messed up by war. It's not a lot, but I hope it helped at least some kids.

Rosanne said...

I have a copy of your book and noticed that you were donating the money from the book to help these children in the Congo. I'm sure your help blessed a lot of kids.

Mark said...

Thanks for getting the book. I hope the money from it did help.


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