Tuesday, May 28, 2013

On the road again: Balticon, day 6

The drive home from the Inn at Little Washington is a long one that starts out as a beautiful ride through gorgeous Virginia mountains and becomes the usual nasty death race down I-95.  I spent it either driving or working in the car, though work became so intense that I had to pull over and hack away at my laptop in a McDonald's (for its free bandwidth) for over an hour.

Huddling over your laptop working in the corner of a McDonald's while Dr. Oz plays loudly on a TV directly over your head is a seriously sad way to spend an hour. 

Now, though, I'm home--until Saturday.  Then I fly off to do something odd.  More on that in another post.

For now, add to the list of must-see summer movies this awesome beast.

Oh, yeah.

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