Tuesday, May 14, 2013

On the road again: Austin, day 2

After a day of interesting meetings I unfortunately can't discuss, I was finally able to fulfill my Austin ritual and enjoy a delicious meal at The County Line On the Lake

Click on any image to see a larger version.

The brisket, sausage, and beef rib combo was, as always, delicious.

In keeping with my resolve to learn to eat less, I had one fork each of the sides and ate less than half the meat.  I know the meal was still overboard, but this is progress.

The view out the window at the end of this lovely day was beautiful. 

Afterward, I further indulged myself with some Amy's ice cream, but at least I kept it to a small.  It was a delicious treat.

Not a good diet day, but not as bad as such days would have been in the past, so, again, this is some progress.

It was also big fun and quite delicious.

I'll take that.

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