Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Want to watch me talk about finishing a novel?

A few weeks ago, Todd Frei, a librarian who is also a videographer, asked if I'd be willing to let him video me for a NaNoWriMo series the Wake County Public Libraries are doing.

I said, sure.

They'd scheduled my segment to appear today, November 21, so he asked if I'd be willing to discuss how to finish novel.

I said, sure.

Here's the result.  I can barely stand to see myself on screen, so I've only scanned this video, but Todd did a good job of cutting my talk to the time limit he had to obey.

If you're working on a book, I hope the advice proves to be useful.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Very sound advice. Now, if only I were talented enough to actually start a novel, I would have the tools to finish it. Good job.


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