Friday, August 17, 2012


One of Cirque du Soleil's traveling shows, Dralion, came to Raleigh two nights ago, so of course a group of us went to see it.  As you can probably tell from the name, it focused on an East/West fusion Chinese acrobatic arts and Cirque's trademark style.

As the above trailer suggests, the show was wonderful. What the video can't capture, though, is the magic of seeing these feats live.  I admit to being a huge Cirque fan, so perhaps I'm biased, but I enjoyed this one very much.  I was particularly fond of the men diving through sets of vertical rings, something that reads as somewhere between dumb and dull but that in person is quite amazing to see.

I was saddened to see many, many, many empty seats in the arena; the people here in the Triangle have no idea what they're missing.  If this show comes to your city, do better than we did, and pack whatever venue is hosting it.  You'll be glad you did.


Laura said...

I lucked out -- a friend who had a spare ticket offered it to me; we went on Thursday night. This was my first Cirque show, and I'm totally hooked now.

Mark said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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