On the road again: World Fantasy Con, San Jose, day 3
Another trip day, another 4:30 a.m. bed time after a late night of work, another early wake-up call for work and phone meetings. Frustrating. Ah, well, so it goes.Want to know what most of my day looked like? It's this photo, taken from the perspective of my computer, which spent most of its day staring at me. I pity the computer. Note the lovely hotel drapes; I keep them closed lest I accidentally recall another world exists outside them.
I did escape the room twice earlier today. The first time, a small group of us went across the street for a pleasant lunch of decent Indian food, and then we spent some time setting up Jain's art balls and necklaces in the dealer's room. These pieces are amazing, and if you're reading this and at the con, you need to hustle your butt down to the art show and buy one. Or two. Or half a dozen: they make nifty holiday gifts.
I then made a quick pass through the dealers' room--strictly a scouting run, no purchases--and returned to work.
In the evening, a larger group of us related to Baen Books (my publisher, of course) enjoyed a good Italian dinner at Il Fornaio. The food and the conversation were both quite enjoyable, and I thank Senior Editor Jim Minz for hosting it and, of course, Publisher Toni for paying for it. May all our book sales be so stupendous that you want to buy us ever more expensive meals!
After that gathering, though, it was back to the room for me, where I've been working for some time now. I hope to finish soon and perhaps wander a bit, maybe engage in a few late-night conversations before finally getting some sleep. I should probably just crash, because I desperately need sleep, but we're in the hours when I am wide awake and ready to rumble.
Which is my cue to return to work so that either of those options--sleep or wandering--becomes possible.
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