Ever wondered
what two grand of highly explosive fireworks would look like, should it come squatting on your walkway?
Wonder no more. It would look about like this:
Jesse and Jennie are, in my admittedly rather out-of-focus photo, standing both to provide a sense of scale and because they wanted a last photo in case in the course of transporting the 'works into Jennie's house we all went up in a huge and colorful smoke cloud.
Fortunately, we did not.
The pallet is deeper than it is wide, by the way.Speaking of moving the fireworks, here's what they look like resting in Jennie's library--the very things everyone wants near their books!
The intrepid Maggie, aka Doodle, provides a different sort of scale as she rests atop Mt. Spazzatron (yes, that is the real name of one of the fireworks) after an arduous hike through the carboard mountains. Respect and fear the Doodle, for she is heavily armed and unafraid.
In just two short days, we will in the space of one hour turn the contents of all of these boxes into beautiful screaming shapes in the night--and then into one very large pile of trash for Dave to burn.
I am, as I've said, quite looking forward to it.
Mt. Spazzatron?!? I can't wait! See you on Friday.
Indeed. See you then!
Perhaps being on the "wrong coast" isn't such a bad thing after all this weekend.
I wonder if I'll be able to see the mushroom cloud from here.
Nah, the explosion's visibility will probably be limited to a five-state area.
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