Monday, February 2, 2009

Dead computer kills self-help chapter

Okay, it's not that simple, but it's close. I'm heading out tomorrow to TED@PalmSprings (I didn't get into the main tent of TED, but I at least was able to return to the satellite), and I have to leave the house in not much more than six hours. With work, packing, writing work, and family time, my evening was already jammed past all reasonable limits on my time. So of course I arrived home to find my main personal PC had died. I then lost over an hour trying (unsuccessfully) to bring it back.

Consequently, I'm putting off today's self-help chapter until after TED (unless, of course, I get a wild hair and write one while there) and am going to have to keep this entry short. Sorry about that.

Last year's TED made my brain hurt in all the best ways, so I'm quite looking forward to this one. I'll report a bit, but I won't try to blog it in detail; there's just too much that happens for me to do that.

I know some people plan their packing like a military assault, with detailed lists and schedules of what they'll wear each day and so on, but I pack more like a three-year-old fingerpainter staring at a large assortment of colors: I stick in my hands, flail around, and hope it all works out. I better do that now.

1 comment:

Frederick Paul Kiesche III said...

I'm surprised that a person who is both a techno-geek and a SF writer does not have his Alien Abduction Bag packed!

(See: Ringo, John--"Into the Looking Glass". Or just ask "Doc" Taylor.)


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